The Big Head Kids

Allow your mind to travel back to a time if you would, back to a time where you were young, innocent, and free to be kid. Travel back to a time where life was simple and the hardest decision you had to make choosing between Red or Orange Kool-Aid, Pop Rocks or Pixie Sticks, and Hubba Bubba or Bubble Yum. Life was simple and dreams were frequent, vivid. Saturday morning cartoons were always PG-13 and the only violent crash was Wiley Coyote running off the cliff and crashing at the bottom head first. There were no such things as vampires, werewolves, wizards, and fire breathing dragons. The only dragon you heard of was named Puff, and he harmless. Remember those times in your life where you made go-carts, forts, tents, and sand castles. Think back to a time where your imagination could take you to the forest to see the Smurfs or to the skies to flying Ponies. Life was good, and kids were kids. If you remember those times why not share them with your children! They need to know that life can be simple, fun, and amazing. Help them to stay a kid as long as they can and worry about being an adult later in life. Your kids deserve to have the simple times you had. If you want the innocents for your children that I want for mine, the Big HEad KIDs is the book for you. If you are looking for unbearable violence, werewolves vs. vampires, or wizards and witches casting dark spells to entertain your children, this is not the book. If you are looking for good ole fashion shenanigans, mischief, knuckle-headedness, and uncontrollable laughter you will find it here in, The Big HEad KIDS. Let the laughs began…

Black Kids Girls
Black Kids Girls
07 Aug 2017
Black Kids Boys
Black Kids Boys
07 Aug 2017